Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How to post a photo to Twitter

Posting photos to social media is one of the best ways to connect with your followers and customers. It gives people a chance to get a feel for your company and to see a little more of its soul. It gives others the chance to see your company as more than just the services or products you provide. You can showcase your staff or show off some pictures that give your company a little more personality.

Twitter is a great place to put up a few photos. Along with Facebook it is one of the best places to be focusing your social media efforts. Tweeting your photos is neither difficult, nor time consuming so it can be a great way to get them out there. Starting is as simple as clicking on the camera button underneath your tweet box.

You can then enter your tweet as usual in the text box. Twitter takes some of your character limit to add the link for the picture but you still have enough to write a decent little message.

You can see below how the tweet looks. Twitter is not just for text messages. You can see that photos too can easily be tweeted.

If you have a Twitter account linked to your phone it should be even easier to tweet pictures. Mine has a simple "Tweet" option on any photo I take.

So you can see how easy it is to post photos to Twitter. When the opportunity presents itself for a good shot take the few extra moments to get the photo. It doesn't have to be a professional looking shot (the beach shot above was taken on my phone). You're not using this in an expensive print promotion. Anything that will give others a bit of an insight into who they will be working with is ideal. So start taking photos, start posting them to Facebook or Twitter and just see what the response is. You might me pleasantly surprised.