Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Facebook face recognition is on - heres how to turn it off

Facebook has been really sneaky and rolled out a fabulous (!) new feature that helps friends tag you in photographs. They've kept it pretty quiet but this is how it works.

When a someone posts a photo on Facebook, the photo recognition software tags friends in the photo with names that Facebook thinks match the faces. This is a great feature in iPhoto but creepy in Facebook. You can untag yourself in any photo but if you want to stop it happening at all you need to change your privacy settings.

How to disable automatic face recognition
You can disable the face recognition for your account by changing your privacy settings. Heres how:

  1. Go to "Account" ---> "Privacy Settings"
  2. Click on  "Customise Settings"
  3. Scroll down to "Suggest photos of me to friends"
  4. Click on "Edit Settings"
  5. Change "Enabled" to "disabled" and click on "Ok" to save

Hope this helps - email me or comment here on how you get on.


  1. awesome thanks for the Fb tips - keep them rolling

  2. Thanks for this, it is interesting that they can activate this and then we have to hear about it to know to do this. Thanks for the note and the help.
