Merry Xmas to everyone using Spinnaker
During the year you randomised patients, published results and initiated new research. 2017 is our biggest year yet with 11 trials on our books. 2017 highlights include:
- over 5,200 patients were randomised this year using Spinnaker
- TARGET(Monash) and NovelSTART(MRINZ) completed enrolments
- Bryn Gilbertson joined the team to manage TTM2 and TAME
- we added 2 new servers to our flotilla. We named them Platypus and Discovery (yes there is a new Star Trek series out)
Spiral continues to grow because of what you do. Your projects are the reason we come to work each day and the success of your projects is our most important goal. Thanks for being on board and using our software.
We are having a break over summer but be sure that OUR SUPPORT FOR YOU NEVER STOPS.
While you are playing cricket on the beach or eating too much ham, our infrastructure team will be monitoring Spinnaker, making sure everything is running smoothly and that your trials can be accessed when you need them.
All the best for the New Year!